Bringing it all together..

Some factors that contribute to socialization include family, religion, peers, the media, and schools.  Those who are in control control the socialization; the government controls the medial and school just as a father and mother do in a family environment.  Therefore, whoever is in power decides the way the youths minds will be molded. 
Social structure is built on social institutions and many in our country and around the world are being threatened.  Many conservatives and religious groups feel a threat to the social institution of family by legalizing gay marriage.  I am not here to debate weather one is right and one is wrong because I can easily see both sides and stand points, human rights being the more obvious (freeing the slaves and eliminating segregation was also seen as a threat to social institutions).  But if the family institution was threatened imagine what other institutions would be threatened as well because, although family may the smallest institution it is also the core.   
Government institutions are falling all across the globe! Finally, the people are uprising and telling the government, we won’t take this anymore! But the failure and loss of government institutions in one country affect the entire world, e.i. our current oil situation.   I’m happy for those people that are finally taking a stance but I’m also fearful because what would be with no government?  Utter madness? I hope that our government starts to listen to the people, who are supposed to be the ones in control before we decide to overturn them as well.  Our government should see what is happening in other countries around the world and learn from it and listen to its people.
Group think can be dangerous because when people are in a group they can get crazy especially extremist groups which easily suck people into their drastic way of thought and life.  Extremism of any kind is dangerous and organizations of extremist are a threat to society.  Group think played an important role Nazi Germany, slavery, the Salem Witch Trials and many things that happen today. Terrorist groups use their extreme thinking to threaten social institutions and societies as a whole.  While other less extreme groups like youth group, church group, sports teams, job core and peace core play important roles in unity and togetherness that are important to all societies around the world.
Deviance can be something as simple as getting a tattoo, facial piercing, or having purple hair to something as drastic as terrorism against another country or your own country to a social movement like women's rights.  The level of deviance depends upon social norms and the action taken out. To be deviant does not always mean to do wrong and it often has a negative connotation to it.  In my opinion deviance will always exist in our society and serves many purposes. 
We can see that all four of these topics are important not only to sociologist but to society as a whole and we should stay on top of these lessons in our day to day lives.  We can learn a lot from these topics and they play an important role in our lives, country and world